Mole Richardson Nine-Light ‘Molepar’ (Maxi Brute)
Technical Specs:
Head: Type 5771, 9,000 watts
Rating: 120/240 volts, A.C. or D.C., 75 amps max. – 9,000 watts max
Socket: Connector for Mogul End-Prong PAR-64 globe
Switch: 9 toggle switches mounted on lamps. (One per globe)
Cable: Attached 3 ft., #4/1 Entertainment Cable with #6/1 ground, 100 amp Bates (MC258G) Plug
Head Construction: Rugged construction of solid and perforated sheet steel
Yoke: Tubular steel with removable 1 1/8″ dia. steel yoke pin
Beam Control: Pivoted globe modules permite variable beam coverage
Finish: Maroon Powder Coat Enamel
Size: 31 1/2″ x 31″ x 7″
Weight: 74 1/4 lbs. (w/ cable)
Kit Info:
- MR Open Face PAR Bank Fixture
- Choice of Medium, Narrow Spot, Very Narrow Spot, and Wide PAR 64 1kW Bulbs
- Barndoors
- 1kW Spare PAR 64 Bulb (3x)